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1. HSTD Card Can Be Now Used to Open Account.
2. Now Money Transfer For Savings, Current Accounts Enabled From Bank to In-Bank
3. Now Load Your Wallet or Account With Money By Using Our Simple Payment Gateway. (Note: You Need To Provide Txn ID/ Ref. no. along with amount and date and time to our customer care or using website online form after making payment. Please Remember to Type your account Number.
Continue Reading.... 1. HS Bank Has Closed all Zero Balance Accounts on 14 Feb. 2019 . If You Hav'nt Received your Money Yet.Please Contact Support With Proof of Statement. 2. HS Bank Has Blacklisted All Account And Their Holders Who Provide Wrong KYC Documents and Wrong Mobile Number. Contact US to Check if You Are Blacklisted or Not. 3. Minimum Maintance Balnce For Savings Account is Rs.10 and Maximum Holding Capacity is Rs.50 and Opening of This Account Requires Mobile Number Only. 4. Minimum Maintance Balance For Current Account is Rs. 20 And Maximum Holding Capacity is Rs.100 and Opening of This Account KYC Documents{Address Proof or Aadhaar Card Photocopy} and Mobile Number. 5. If You Are Trying to Open Account Online Please Visit Form Site on Website.
1.Charges are Changed to Rs. 0.20+0.45% From Rs. 0.30+0.45% Per SMS For KYC Users and For Non-KYC Users it is Changed to Rs. 0.30+0.45% From Rs. 0.40+0.45% Per SMS
2.The SMS Service Activation and de-activation is now under user Control.Activation Cost is Rs. 0.20 per Month+ SMS Costs and De-Activation is Free
HSTD Card:
1. There is No Application Charge For Personal Use and Rs.25+18% Will Be Charged For Company HSTD Card.
2. Now Tax is Reduced to 0.99% Per Month From 2% On Account For KYC Users and For NON-KYC Users it is reduced to 1.02% From 2.03%
3. Tax on SMS is Reduced to 0.45% From 0.90%
Note That: The Every cost on this Page Contains addition of 18% GST+VAT